Friday, July 16, 2010

PS3 Games Online???

well my question is i was on the gamestop page and i was browsing all xbox 360 and PS3 games and it seems now every game xbox 360 is comming out with is online and most ps3 games dont besides the huge ones ex most shoooter games y cant sony make more games online is it really that hard to make it at least a tennis game online like 1 on 1 at least some online capabiltiy r they just getting lazy or what .....?

PS3 Games Online???
PS3 games take more development time because of the Cell; multiplayer takes a lot of development effort on the PS3. The Xbox 360 has the Xenon, which is easier the work with; the Cell is also more than twice as powerful as the Xenon. This is the reason 3rd party games for Xbox 360 look better and perform better; the engines were optimized for the Xbox 360. So yes, the 3rd party developers are very lazy for not utilizing all the PS3 hardware capabilities. But 1st party developers are still trying to get all the juice from the PS3 as they can. Also, Microsoft is making a lot of their money from online while Sony is focusing on the graphics (4d graphics will be coming to PS3). Sony still has many plans for online. One of the many features is Home.
Reply:Online gaming really isn't that important in my opinion really. I like single player games better anyways. Also, the majority of games that Sony has come out with such as Heavenly Sword, Lair, Rachet and Clank, and Uncharted Drakes Fortune are single player games and every system has single player games. Every PS3 game can't have online. Offline multiplayer is about just as good as online.

Sony has never focused it's games with online gameplay. The PS2 only had a handful of games with online play. The Xbox 360 is mainly just a console for people who want to play online all the time. The PS3 is the direct opposite.

Also, Sony has had a lot of success with single player games that didn't have online gameplay, so it probably just isn't very important to Sony at this point.

And most importantly, developing games for the PS3 exclusively is very costly and making online gameplay would just drive up costs and online play really hasn't been an important factor of Sony consoles.

teeth grills

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