Friday, July 16, 2010

Online school/gay teenager?

I am an openly gay male. Next year, I will be entering my freshman year of high school. I have the option to do online school instead, which would protect me from all the harassment I'd receive. I already get enough right now, and I'm in Middle School. I recognize the importance of getting an education to succeed in life, and I'm pretty sure that I'm ambitious enough to keep up with my studies online. My friend in the 7th grade does this, and she said that it's free. I don't hang out with but like three of my friends on the weekends, and that's only because they are my best friends, so it's not like my social life would be affected because of it. What do you all think? Would it be more beneficial and less emotionally disturbing if I just did online schooling?

Online school/gay teenager?
That depends on how bad the harassment is. I'm extremely sorry about the harassment you face, but depending on the area you may be able to find friends in spite of a few bigots. On the other hand, if the harrasment is bad and you're sure you'll be able to do online work efficiently, you may want to give it a try, and just organize more time with friends.

It's very depressing that people are still so close-minded. I'm sorry that you have to deal with sh*t and admire you both for being open and recognizing the need for a proper education.
Reply:You will have to decide if you can take it... If you can't take it, you have no choice but to home school online. Mental health can be affected by constant exposer to emotional trauma.

Take care
Reply:i think you shouldn't do online schooling, hs is an experience you need to experience. what are you going to do when u get into college or even want to get accepted into a college? your only like need to go to hs. i mean who knows...there may be a GLBT club there? or u can start it. hs is very open towards glbt now. besides once your gay.. ppl are always going to have something to say about it, dont hide from it, face it and show dem you dont care.
Reply:Because you live in a fairly small Bible Belt town, I think you would be much better off studying on line.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.
Reply:not the best way 2 face it...

but do it if u think its besyt
Reply:If the harassment is as bad as you say, then online schooling would probably be the safest way to go. Just make sure that you keep up with your work and do not fall behind. Also if you are planning to attend college (hopefully) then make sure and talk with the counselors to ensure that your classes will count towards fulfilling the college requirements.

One more thing, once you get to college, life will be entirely different and i guarantee that you will be accepted much more. Good luck!!
Reply:You really should not base your decision on the words of some strangers you do not even know.

But, I think you should. If I had had that option, I would have definitely taken full advantage of it, and I am not even out of the closet yet.

You seem to be smart enough to keep up with school over the internet, so I would have to say go for it. Might save you a lot of suffering.

Good luck either way.

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