Friday, July 16, 2010

Online spreadsheet?

I was wondering if a service like this exists. I have a wedding planning spreadsheet that I would like to put online somewhere and be able to work on it.

The thing is, I don't want to go out, download it, work on it, then re-upload it. I want to be able to access it online, change it within internet explorer or whatever, and then save it online. This way both my fiance and I can work on it without worryabout about overwriting or deleting each other's changes, and I can work on it from work, home, or school without worrying about whether or not I'm using the most current version.

Thanks in advance!

Online spreadsheet?
Google Docs - Free web-based word processor and spreadsheet, which allow you share and collaborate online.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Try out CollateBox I feel its the best online spreadsheet sharing tool.
There blog talks about wedding planning activity.
Might be of some help 2 u..

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