So is it wierd to fall for someone after only talking to them online a few times? Me and this guy have been talking for only a few weeks and I feel like we have know each other for years. I know this happens in person, but online? Now I have never done the whole online dating thing.... so should I pursue it or just leave it as is?
Online dating....?
It's not weird at all. It's easier to make a connection with someone without all the other hassles that get in the way with face-to-face contact [though that is wonderful too]. I have a few very close friends online. One is my best friend. I don't know what I would do without her. We have known one another nearly 3 years and have plans to meet. She brought a lot of wonderful people into my life. I have met 4 people from online- 2 turned out to be those people the media warn you about, one is another good friend, and the last, well, he's my fiance! By all means go for it. But please, be careful. Good luck!
Reply:I've been there a few times, actually. You just go with the flow. If something comes out of it, great. I was just recently talking to somebody that first hit me up on 360. We hit it off and feelings just took over. You never know. Anything's possible. Report It
Reply:Listen, i had an online frined for years. Im talking freishman year in high school to sophomore year in college. Then in my senior year in college i went to meet him. In person we had nothing in common. It was weird!
Be Careful1
Reply:I met my husband online and we've been together for 7 years now. My suggestion is, take it one day at the time. If you feel comfortable by talking online now, why don't you meet him in person and see how you feel.
Reply:Hi, it's actually happening. Been talking to this guy for
a month, and yes we became close, we also talk on
the phone, nearly nightly aside from text daily, I call
him special name, and yes called me something spe-
cial he made it up, and it's good.
But you know, before we even meet on the net he
has this plan of going overseas (my country) for a holi-
day and to learn about my culture, he said. because
he's been learning my language for 2 yrs in the book,
and this is the time for him.
The next day he got there, he text me with his new
number, so we begun the communication, I actually
ring him almost nightly to check if there's someone
there. The communication was ok , for just 9days,
then the communication died down, till i just don't text
or ring him anymore, and that was 11days.
Now he's back and on his way home from the airport,
he text me and sai he's on his way home, and would
ring me as soon as he gets home.. yes he did . .
but you know, my mind is sharp, that i know in between
that time there was girl , so I said NO, I've changed
because there's no communication, also I'm not stupid.
I've emailed him and said I had it and we can say good-
bye, and then he said but we don't have a sexual relation-
ship, and that's different thing.
But you know I felt hurt,, we haven't met but we're close.
as if we did, also he lives not far from me.
But i don't think I still wanna get back to where we were.
something already happened.
Right now I haven't replied to his email 3 days ago, i'm
not sure.
I don't know how close you are with the guy but maybe
you try to meet, who knows, but you've got to be
ready whatever the outcome maybe.
Good luck . . .
Reply:well, it may seem akward at first, but you may become accostomed to it. She how he feels about it. Online you really get to kno the others personality and not just worry bout their looks and such. If you like his personality a lot, continue on
Reply:i think tha tit is very much possible but you do have to be careful when you meet up, but it coudl turn into a beautiful romace, I know of relations that have worked out from online, the web opens us up to every person in the world, that just maks the ocean bigger for us fish.
Reply:well try it, but be very careful. Some guys online are just pretending.
Ask him if you could meet. then you will know if you really know each other.
Reply:online dating is good if you have no social life...and you have a problem meeting other's lame. =(
Reply:go for it! I met my current guy online.
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